Having trouble collecting payment from debtors? Maybe you’re using the wrong approach if you are spending your working hours attempting to collect from people while they are at work. Most surveys show that people are more inclined to pay their bills after working hours. Jobs vary in shift, so the hours your debtors are more inclined to pay will vary. It makes good sense to provide an online gateway that is available to them 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in order to accommodate the most convenient payment window for your debtors, regardless of their work schedule.
In a tough economy, businesses are going to have to start thinking outside of the box in order to compete, stay afloat, and succeed. Much of this type of thinking involves looking for new ways to solve old problems – such as new ways to go about collecting money that is owed. While there will always be customers who simply ignore their debt out of a lack of responsibility, the majority of your debtors are likely honest working people who have fallen upon hard times and have taken on more debt than they can handle.
In this case, in allowing the convenience of paying at all hours, and in accommodating often hectic work schedules, you are helping your debtors get back on track by easing some of the stress and hassle for them. Adding to their stress doesn’t get you anywhere and doesn’t help your debtor get any closer to being able to pay you the money they owe you. Giving your customers a workable window in which to comfortably make payments on their debt or account will increase the likelihood that you will have happy and stress-free PAYING customers.
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