Monday, February 27, 2012

What is the Fastest Way to Get Paid on Late Accounts?

80 percent of people prefer to pay online. If your company doesn’t offer a way to pay online, some customers may not pay their bills on time or at all. One of the reasons for this is because they get the bill in the mail and just toss it out because they don’t think that they can afford to pay it right now. Another reason is because they prefer to pay online because they can actually see their bill and pay with a debit or credit card or even with their bank account without writing a check, purchasing stamps and envelopes and popping it into the mail box not knowing if their bill will be received.

Now that the internet has provided ways for people to be in contact online in almost every situation, you can also rest assured that there is a way to get paid on late accounts fast and easy for businesses and individuals.
You can use Epaywizard to reach all of your customers, save money on mail, make customer payments automated and much more. When your customers can see their bill, see the previous payments they’ve received, set up automatic payments and even get messages from you, they are much more likely to pay their bills on time and get their debts paid off.

When you set up an account with Epaywizard, you can allow your customers to view your contact information, change billing information, set up automatic payments, get messages, view bills and payments and so much more. All while saving on postage and handling time. 

It’s fast and easy to set up, you can increase your cash flow quickly just by offering a way for your customers to pay you online rather than through the mail or in your business location. The fastest way to get paid on late accounts is to follow technology and get with the times, start accepting payments online and you will see the difference!

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